How to Get Started with Canicross

dog running canicross in woods


Canicross, derived from the words “canine” and “cross country,” involves running or jogging with your dog, harnessed together. The sport not only provides an excellent workout for you and your dog, it also strengthens your bond.

Here’s how to get started:

pulling harnesses hung up

Choose the Right Gear: Invest in a canicross harness for your dog and a hands-free waist belt for yourself. The harness ensures your dog’s comfort and safety, while the waist belt allows for hands-free movement.

white dog running on trail

Start Slowly: Like any new activity, introduce canicross gradually. Begin with short runs at a relaxed pace, allowing your dog to acclimate to the experience.

Dog sits and looks where human is looking

Focus on Training: Cues like “go,” “stop,” and “left” or “right” are essential. Incorporating training so your dog responds, will make for a smooth experience.

dog running near lake

Choose Appropriate Trails: Opt for trails suitable for both running and canicross. Avoid busy roads and choose paths with varying terrain for added excitement.

veterinarian consulting family with dog

Prioritize Safety: Regular veterinary check-ups will ensure your dog is fit for canicross. Stay attuned to their needs and consider weather conditions. Hydration is vital, so carry water and take breaks as needed.

person and dog running canicross

Join a Canicross Community: Connecting with other canicross enthusiasts provides valuable insights, tips, and the opportunity for group runs, turning canicross into the best part of your week!

Dog jumping up in air with back end above front end


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We specialize in working with high energy dogs. Let us help you find ways to hone their energy and potential. We can help you work smarter and not harder.