Doorbell Doom: 3 tips to help your dog stay calm

Dog barking at a front gate

Got a dog who goes ballistic when the doorbell rings? You’re not alone. Many of our clients struggle with doorbell doom. Even if you don’t see a lot of house guests, deliveries can be a nightmare. But you’re in luck! We’ve curated our top three tips for dealing with your doorbell woes.

Doorbell = Treat

Start by pairing the sound of your doorbell with treats. This helps dogs start to associate the sound of the doorbell with good things. Some dogs really struggle to relax when the doorbell rings, and being stressed doesn’t help. Try getting them to relax first by learning that the doorbell is fun!

dog eating a treat out of a hand

Teach “Place”

Four dogs work on their place cue on cots with their families during a group class
Local good dogs Bozlee, Ryder, Cooper, and Watson work on place with distraction

Teaching your dog to go to a cot or bed is a great way to teach them to settle down. When dogs are taught a place cue properly, they learn to collect themselves better. This is a great way to keep them in one spot while you answer the door, whether it is for a package or to let a guest in.

Rehearse it

Practice teaching your dog these skills frequently and not just when someone rings your doorbell. Get your neighbors, friends, or family members to help you. Have someone go outside and ring the doorbell to start working on your training. As your dog improves, people can stop by for surprise visits to help you set up for real life scenarios. All they have to do is ring your doorbell and leave as if they were leaving a package behind.

Dog sits on cot next to her handler while they smile at each other
Local good girl Buttercup and her family
Dog jumping up in air with back end above front end


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