Perks of Having a CGC Dog

Dog trainer and golden retriever smile with CGC ribbon
George smiling with his CGC ribbon

Getting your dog a CGC title can save you money and open doors to other fun activities. Here at Really Good Pets, we have helped many dogs get their CGC title and watched their families continue on to enjoy time with their dog more because of it.

So if you already have a CGC dog or are looking into getting your dog trained for the CGC test, here are the three benefits you can look forward to.

But first…

Golden Retriever in front of CGC banner with ribbon
Fisbo smiles for his CGC photo

What is AKC CGC?

The Canine Good Citizen test is run by the American Kennel Club. It is a test of ten items that dog teams must perform without training aids to show off their good behavior and commitment to excellent pet ownership.

And now… the perks:

Save on Insurance

CGC certification can get you discounts on your homeowner’s insurance or allow you to work with insurance companies who would normally not qualify dog owners.

Black doodle and his pet parent pose in front of blue CGC banner
Duke earns his CGC with a smile

A CGC certification is used by many people to prove responsible dog ownership and a commitment to training. Insurance companies will often reward pet parents who go to these lengths.

If you rent, showing your dog is a CGC can help you gain access to different housing options who may not accept your dog based on size or breed. Some places even require dogs to have their CGC to live in their communities.

Go More Places

White dog wears a CGC ribbon
Truman wears his CGC ribbon

CGC dogs are ready for many public scenarios. The CGC test demonstrates your dog’s ability to remain calm in crowds, around other dogs, and to interact with people politely.

Your CGC certification also qualifies you for our Advanced Field Trip class where we take our dogs’ skills on the road and coach you on public manners.

Springboard into Therapy Work (and More!)

Want to explore therapy work with your dog? What about agilityrally, or lure coursing?

Rosy the dog poses with her pet parent in front of a CGC banner while wearing her CGC ribbon
Cuddly Rosy earns her CGC

A CGC certification is often a prerequisite for therapy dog work and is helpful if you want to get into dog sports.

When you compete in dog sports, you know your dog has skills to be around other dogs and people in a competition setting.

Want your dog to be a CGC?

Join our group classes or get started with our private training! Once your dog has their CGC, they qualify for Advanced Field Trip class to work on public manners!

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